Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hello Boy!

Don't worry, I have not entered the Blogosphere - a mirror universe apparently populated by self-regarding, introspective, megalomaniac nerds. This web-site is not a platform for spoutings about biscuits, public transport, hairy women, hairy dogs, the congestion charge, star trek, star wars, stars in their eyes or staropramen.

Instead I thought that this was probably the best way to be able to drop you a line until you have an address or a working 'phone line or whatever. Crucially, it means that I can send you stuff when sat at my desk and not have to wait until I get home - by which time I'd probably have forgotten what I as going to write and, more importantly, where composing and sending an e mail cuts into the time I could be spending slumped on the sofa.

Hope that all went well with the move and that all is going well in a city famed for chocolate, beer, bureaucracy and now…you! I take it that you are already on your way to establishing yourself as a character, possibly by taking your Englishness to absurdist levels, or simply by urinating from your balcony every morning.

Or have you have assumed a new identity? A Welshman perhaps?

Worryingly, there is something about settling up a weblog that almost compels one to conform to 'blogging' conventions. I am strangely tempted to write a rambling discourse on biscuits, or detail the excruciatingly dull elements of my life in the mistaken belief that they will be of interest to anyone, then return every day to my 'blog' to be crushed that nobody has left comments. Still, it could be worse, I could have invested in a web-cam and set it up at my desk or, worse still, pointed it at something 'hilarious' and named it 'fridge-cam', 'beard-cam' or 'goat-botherer cam'.

I wonder what would happen if it were made a rule of 'blogging' that before a post was published, it should be edited by somebody selected at random?

It's a good job then, that I'm not the sort of character easily influenced by fads or fashion.

Doesn't look as though I will be getting to Rome this year. This is a shame. The reason is that I have spent the money that would have gone on travel on…carpet. As you can imagine, I am already planning how to get value for money out of it and so intend to spend the time I would have spent in Rome lying on my carpet instead.

It is a lovely carpet though. It's blue.

Most played on iPod at the moment: 'Copperhead Road'. As you once told me…it has EVERYTHING, it has cars, whisky, hillbilly family and he even manages to get Viet Nam in there! Mind you…I still make sure that I have 'we will rock you!' queued up for when I come into the office every morning.

Pip Pip


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