Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Norfolk notes - Holiday over

Back to reality, in particular the M25. In last week have driven same coast road with occasional turns right onto beaches or left into Holkum Hall to consume sarnies and watch red deer trotting about with ridiculous dainty grace. Now on M25 am surrounded by tarmac, lanes and idiots.

While of course lovely to get home, Lou remarks that last week has not really been a holiday. I raise an eyebrow and am about to ask what it was then? (expecting some answer along the lines of 'bloody hard work digging that sodding kite out of the beach every time you crashed it') when she continues 'it was more like an insight into what our lives could be like'.

Too true. Have previously fantasised about making some kind of living in the area that would allow one to live there. However, main jobs in area appear to be restoration of steam engines, working in fudge shops or cockling. Am not qualified for any of these and, to be honest, they would all eat into my kite flying time.

Suspect that will have to go back to plans to write a commercial novel. Surely, the reading public are ready for a crime thriller with a sci-fi twist and a plot involving cross dressing, gnome abuse, felt-tip pen sniffing and, in an inspired marketing plot, a Su Doko puzzle on every second page?


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