Friday, June 08, 2007

Flushed with irritation

I think I can finally see the attraction of web places like myfacebook, mysite, oursite, shitesite and so on - they allow you to shriek at the telly and for the telly to notice. I’m becoming more and more selective of my viewing of television recently - one reason for this is that I’ve stopped drinking, so much, during the week, and as a consequence my ‘entertain me’ threshold has not been dropped, at a drunken angle, so I no longer find the home shopping channel amusing in a post-modern ironic way. Rather, I find a lot of stuff irritating. More precisely, I find certain personalities irritating. More precisely still, I find arseholes on the news or on reality programmes irritating, and so shout at the telly.

Entertainment is no problem, you can’t get upset about entertainment - if you find yourself screaming ‘but they didn’t have ruffs in 1642’ at a period drama, it’s time to get back on the horse tranquilizers. Finding yourself irritated by modern life is, I suppose, part of the modern human condition - at least for those of us that live in an information-saturated age, drink too much caffeine and think yoga is at best a waste of time and at worse some sort of evil eastern plot we should be all be suspicious of.

I bet those guys in the Greenpeace dingy buzzing the coast of the resort where the G7 summit was being held were irritated…but not half as irritated as they were when the security forces parked their rather bigger dingy on top of them! I laughed my arse off when I saw that, not just because it was a clear case of ‘well, really, what did you expect?’ but because the picture of two inflatables knocking hell out of on another was a little bit ‘it’s a knockout’ - if Greenpeace were serious troublemakers, they could have punctured the security forces boat with a corkscrew and been on their way, laughing.

The blogosphere is an environment where you can have a spirited debate with like minded people (or, much more fun, unlike minded people) and not worry about consequence, much. At worst you are exposed for all the world to see as an idiot holding unfashionable views who can’t hold an argument together (try starting a blog entry with ‘say what you like about Hitler…’ and see how far you get. But at least it allows you to vent and then vent at those who would close your vent.

For all that people write about irritants, there must be stuff lurking under the radar, minor irritants, background irritation. Like your local McDs, you know it’s there but you can’t be arsed to do anything about it, when you know that ten minutes with a flamethrower would make the world a better place.

In my case the minor irritant is the loos in our new office. The new office is, itself, spacious. Using the loo, you realise what they sacrificed to get all that space. Okay, the loos in our old office were not huge, they were not the sort of superloos that increasingly one is reading about migrant families living in (rather than tramps spending the nights in a stall at a local public loo on, as it were, a B&B basis, we seem to have a case developing of poor people using loos as cottages almost, much to the alarm of people wanting a pee and homosexualists wanting to cruise for sex), neither were they vast ceramic and mahogany palaces of the Victorian era, where a diet low in fibre required a loo to match - a seat comfortable enough for long sittings and a space wide enough to open up a broadsheet newspaper to read cover to cover, all concluded with a flush like the Zambizi in spate.

Our loos are rather cramped. Whatever architectural genius thought them up obviously never used them. Because of the positioning of the way the door opens and the loo-roll holder, in several of the stalls one has to basically stand in the cistern to open or close the door - hardly a boon to relaxation.

The other issue is that the stalls are in pairs rather than trios. Trios of stalls are important. With none occupied, you take the one on the left or right. One occupied, take the one on the other extreme left or right. Middle one occupied? Exit the toilet, the man in the middle stall is obviously some sort of pervert.

Research has, however, paid off. One of the stalls is easy to gain entry to and rush from. This is good because it means that I now have a favourite stall, which, I think, is something every chap needs, but a minor irritant when it is occupied. Naturally because this is real life and not a blog or television, I do not yell as a result of irritation, rather, I tut softly and plan revenge.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sort of coincidental that you should write about being irritated. Yesterday afternoon i went to another one of my fun-filled visits to my shrink which usually includes a sob story about something stupid I've done when i've been drunk (i, too, am cutting back on the alcohol as of today). Anyhoo, he point blank sat there and said "You're irritated, aren't you?" I replied, "Gosh, what ever makes you think THAT??" Jezzzus! WTF? Why does he think I'm going to a psychiatrist in the first place? Because I'm completely FINE AND NORMAL?

Oh, and by the way, I think you're a Republican. Stop denying it.

1:56 PM  

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