Friday, May 06, 2011

Reflections on the royal wedding - parties

There was, in the next street along, an honest to God street party, with tables and bunting and a sound system and everything. It actually sounded quite fun especially when, after it had being going for some time and they were getting ready to wind down for the evening, a somewhat refreshed housewife invited everyone back to hers to continue the festivities.

Our own party was a somewhat smaller but no less restrained affair in the back garden. The correct effect was achieved by stringing Union Flag bunting around the garden shed. The garden shed is perhaps the greatest symbol of Britishness there is, and the same can be said of the Union Flag. Combining them more or less went most of the way to restoring the British Empire to greatness, as a bunting bedecked shed stood proud as the greatest symbol of what it is to be British and alive under a perfect sky. Truly a day to pity republicans.

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