Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A change of scene - drugs

If you want to change your universe, there are essentially two ways to do it. The first is to change your surroundings and circumstances and ensure that the steps you take in life lead you away from any disappointment or dissatisfaction and allow you to create around you another world, preferably one where people call you things like 'sir' or 'your Excellency'. This, however, takes quite a lot of hard graft and luck, unless you happen to have won the 'birth lottery' (and if you are reading this anywhere other than a shack in the middle of nowhere with the Internet powered by a solar panel and the GDP of your village is a goat, you are already doing pretty well out of the birth lottery, wishing for your own castle is just being greedy).

The other route is alcohol or drugs.

Alcohol in moderation is the socially accepted way to change your universe, removing inhibitions, making you wittier and better looking, and making other people better looking as well. Somewhere between the first and second gin and tonic, your opinion is unparalleled and your hair has never looked better. Alcohol to excess is not socially acceptable, you may have a fabulous opinion but you can't articulate it and the best thing that can happen to your hair this evening is that somebody will hold it away from your face later. Alcohol to excess changes your universe by moving it from the vertical to the horizontal in just a few very exciting moments.

Other drugs are available. Anyone who has combined a cold with cold remedy knows that an interesting side effect of a decongestant is that it appears to fill your head with cotton wool.

The are yet other drugs, which are branded with cool names to increase marketability and because nobody can be arsed to pronounce the full name of the long chain molecule that's marketed under the name 'crack'. These will take you to different places with varying degrees of success, be they giggly places, energetic places, paranoid places or places with bars on the window.

Of course many people are wise enough to know that you can take things that are not illegal and abuse them. Solvent abuse, for instance. Glue sniffing is, apparently, a way to achieve a hallucinogenic state and therefore alter your universe. Presumably The other world that you escape into when glue sniffing is one that consists of a filthy concrete stairwell at the back of some municipal building, the last place in the world without CCTV coverage, with a bag stuck to your nose like a horse with the munches which, considering what glue was traditionally made of, is sort of ironic.

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