Sunday, August 26, 2012

Postcard from Portsmouth - sunshine on the sea

Blue sky! Blue sky! The Solent is at least 60% boat. As well as the ferries there is a constant steam of sailing boats leaving the marina, turning left and heading towards Cowes and presumably racing like buggery to get there first, snag the best anchorage and get a seat at the bar. That is what sailing is all about I understand.

Getting from where we are staying to Gunwharf Quay is a fifteen minute walk or a two minute swim, such is the strange geography of coastal towns. I think if I were a permanent resident, I would invest n a small dingy, or at least some wellies and a tide table.

Just time to grab a coffee at the excellent Brasserie Blanc, where yesterday because we had to wait five minutes for our coffee, we were given it for free! Tempted to repay their kindness by shooting cake bolt, but was still metabolising breakfast - the fried tinned tomato has its place, and that place is on toast next to bacon and fried egg doing something at the molecular level to the alcohol in my bloodstream while doing something at the macro level to make the world a better place.

Odd place Portsmouth. Maybe it's the proximity to the Isle of Wight. I came here expecting an industrial port crossed with a busy naval base and found a small and charming town. The Old Town has loads of character, mainly to be found in its cobbles and laughably optimistic sea defences, the ferry traffic makes the place feel busy and the sailboats add glamour.

But I still can't fathom the attraction of the Isle of Wight!

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