Wednesday, June 08, 2005


An e mail from an ex-colleague, currently out in Spain, doing up some houses out there and intending to run a small cottage holiday/resort trail biking venture. All sounds terribly exciting. He's distinguished himself by being the only Brit abroad doing up property who does not have a teevee crew in tow and a book deal with Penguin.

Such adventure threw into sharp relief the mounds of paper on my desk and highlighted a scaremongering report on the BBC news web-site yesterday - that people in boring jobs are more likely to suffer heart attacks (possibly in surprise at being woken from their at-desk slumber suddenly?). This has caused some consternation here in the office and has put the wind right up me.

As a result I am currently bidding on a Russian army-surplus defibrillator on eBay. The 'AK4700 Defribski volt-jolter' was apparently used in Afghanistan and, as well as shocking civil servants back to life, can be used to heat borscht or torture insurgents! Other options in the on-line auction house include the 'iFrib', available in five snazzy colours and the 'Delux-ulator 2000', which comes with an MP3 player and has paddles that double as jump leads or nipple clamps!


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