Monday, July 25, 2005

Underground sprint challenge!

Obviously, I shall have to start getting up earlier in the mornings. My usual regime is to keep battering the sleep function on the alarm clock, then hurriedly shower and rush out the door, stagger up the hill, into the village, see the train coming over the bridge and run like a cross between a wading bird and a big girl for the remaining 70 yards to catch the train.

Once on the train, I sit there and try to breath normally while willing myself to stop sweating. This normally happens by the time the train pulls into Clapham Junction.

Which makes me think - if I'm doing this every morning, shouldn't I be able to do it without sweating by now? I mean, isn't it exercise?

Anyhoo, this sort of thing most stop, because as we now know, running towards a train can be deadly. The recent shooting of some Brazilian type was an odd thing. I can't help wondering why he ran. I mean, apparently this guy vaulted a barrier and ran like hell away from people shouting that they were armed police and he should stop. Did he just panic? I guess we'll never know but given the situation in London over the last few weeks, it's cheering to see that the Met are taking no chances. Makes me feel safer anyway.

Of course, the last thing the Met need right now is pressure for the team that took down this guy to be hauled over the carpet. The city is on terror alert, there are bombers at large and every officer is needed. So if the armed police aren't going to be allowed to do their job without fear of being punished for it and as a result some hand in their guns…what would happen?

I'll tell you what - the Commissioner would start deputising a few fellers, that's what! Never mind training for months and being a responsible firearms officer, I think he should hand out the six-shooters and put together a posse! Of course, there's bound to be some protest but hey - that's what anti-terror laws are for!

I mean, if he wandered into the Claret & Grouse at lunchtime, spat on the carpet and asked for a few good men, he'd have a riot on his hands, especially if the first ten to sign up got automatic weapons. And a horse!

Of course, you'd have to weed out the nutters. Years of travelling by public transport have made me, for instance, almost psychotically intolerant of the following groups: people with leaky walkmen; people on mobile phones; people who let their mobile ring but don't answer it; people who snore; people who smell; beggers; people with huge arses; people with 'pushy elbows'; backpackers; droolers; beggers with dogs; farters; old people; children; anyone in my seat; anyone who looks like they might want my seat and, of course, the all time number one - people who put their feet on the seat!

I man, given a gun I'd be tempted to hand out instant 'justice' to any or all in the above group, which is why I, and travellers like me, probably can't be trusted with firearms on public transport. I mean, can you imagine the fuss that would be made if you plugged a commuter! There's a right bruhahah about this Brazilian bloke being killed - and he's foreign!

So overall, it's best to leave these things to the professionals. And from what I've seen and read the only comment that should be passed about the copper's shooting is 'hey - nice grouping!'.


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