Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Another bad habit...

…to add to my growing list of vices.

Dark nights, crap television - the perfect conditions for firing up the iMac and trying to complete 'Aliens vs Predator'.

Last night though, something a little different. It's been a while since I had my arse thoroughly kicked by some thirteen year old from a trailer park in Armpit, Nebraska and so yes, it was time for multiplayer function again.

Luckily there was a game going on, so I joined and…my colonial marine provided a high fibre diet for whoever was playing the alien.

This turned out, apparently, to be a female from Liverpool. At this point I feared I was being 'groomed', made my excuses and left the room.

The problem is that it's so dammed addictive (playing that is, not losing to scouse aliens). It's like getting the game all over again! And going up against real people is a hoot - it's just a pity that AvP is one of the scarier games around and that gameplay usually involves wandering around a disused subway for five minutes before fanged death happens, the gory sound effects of the game drowned out by my girlish screams and then a 'Right!' as I re-spawn and really settle down to do some damage!


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