Monday, December 12, 2005


Apparently this was the year of the blog. The year that blogging really took off I mean, rather than it being the year of the Blog in the Chinese calendar. I read that lots of people start blogs, but few maintain them.

Having hit 'next blog' a few times, I can see why. Most people, myself included, post nothing but the most inconsequential twaddle. It's like taking a trip through their brains and just listening in to random thoughts. Or like f**kwit FM.

There are, of course, blogs of merit out there, people who are logging their interesting pursuits, hobbies or jobs, or with something interesting to say.

But the majority appears to be just filling the screen with text. Or worse, poems. I mean, Jesus, if you can't think of anything to say, don't whatever you do just make some shit up and rhyme it ending in 'sunset'.

So, because the world does not need my thoughts on gyms, trains or litter, this blog is coming down. Then I'm going to take the one good idea I had, the podcast ghost walk, and divert energy into actually developing it. It is, I feel, a much more productive way to waste time.


Blogger magbp said...

and just because I'm quitting doesn't mean that you should quit. This is ridiculous. I can't believe I'm upset....Howsabout we work a deal, I'll start another blog, and you keep yours. I promise to write only when I have something interesting to say. And by the way, it's too fucking cold here to work on my tan.

4:43 AM  

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