Monday, December 18, 2006

Wii not try one?

While the rewards of a good life are spiritual well-being and arguably a fast-track ticket to heaven, rewards in this life do not depend upon spiritual well-being but rather upon an ability to spend enough to make you happy. Some may say that friends, family and so on make you happy and this is true. But if you already have this and can add ‘nintendo’ to that formula then you move from ‘happy’ to ‘very happy indeed’. To liken it to a karmic wheel, the Nintendo Wii is Nirvana.

I tried the Wii this weekend (wiikend?) and oh-my-ghod it’s the future of gaming.

Walking into a small computer games shop, I saw that the three members of staff were huddled round the wii in the corner. Smelling an alpha-male games geek I was invited to have a go by them, and tried my hand at the bowling, while the shop owner burbled and enthused about the new console. The kicker - he wasn’t even trying to sell me one - they are sold out until February.

It’s more fun than sex with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in the front car of a roller coaster, on crack, drinking a beer.

As we played (I was harder to get off the thing than a limpet) various shoppers came into the shop, tried to get the attention of the staff, failed and left. To be honest, I think the staff would have done better to put a basket on the counter and asked people to take what they wanted and leave the cash.

Normally such behaviour would cause major gasket blowage but really, I couldn’t fail to be charmed by the whole experience. There’s nothing like full major geekage and this was it, this was geeks playing with a toy nobody else had and everybody else wanted. The tee shirts the staff were wearing (which I suspect had not been washed since launch day the week previously) said ‘wii’ but should have had ‘no girlfriend - no worries.’


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I thought giving the bf a Wii or a PS3 would make me the most wonderful girlfriend in the world. Unfortunately I think I'll have to wait until next year and then it won't be cool anymore. I gave him the PS2 and he hasn't touched it because I was way too late on that one. Oh well.

8:03 PM  

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