Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Big Wind

It could have been a lot worse. Let's face it, my back garden fence sways like a rummy on the late Sunday of a lost weekend in the slightest zepher, so when I saw the tops of trees being bent to the sod, I thought it was going to be game over.

The damage has (so far) been limited to one of the decorative panels that sit atop the fence. To be honest, this is no great loss. In my opinion a fence needs to be topped out with either razor-wire, some sort of laser type thing or, and this is my preference, the spiked heads of the last a) poachers or b) foxes that tried to steal my chickens.*

That's not all the wind has done. Driving to the recycling centre with my Christmas trees, the route, lines with chain-link fence, was adorned with carrier bags from the nearby Tesco. It looked as though a concerted effort had actually been made to tie things to the fence, like the women of Greenham Common used to tie ribbon and so on to the perimiter fence there to try and give an airbase a makeover. What they should have been doing of course if giving the f**king pilots training in how to differentiate between a British squaddie and a terrorist.

It was like somebody had made a concerted effort to turn a chain-link fence into a wall and what it made me think was that I should really start taking a camera everywhere and also - what a load of rubbish there is blowing about. We should be like the Irish and stick an 8p charge on every carrier bag. Then we'd soon see less of them stuck in fences or in my front garden.

Then again, I suppose my sister wouldn't be so ready to use them to pick up and carry around her doggie's doggie do. But would this be a bad thing? Okay, so it means that she's a responsible dog owner - it also means that whenever I'm out for a walk with her and her dog, there will come a point where she scoops poo and then, Christ knows why, doesn't take the most natural option and lob it as far as she can, or into somebody's garden, but instead takes it with her to the next appropriate receptical - but Jesus - does she have to SWING it?

The Big Wind came to a small town. It blew in some stories and blew out some trouble. It took my decorative fence panel and dropped it, I assume, into my neighbour's garden...although they have yet to acknowledge this and I wonder if I'm going to end up buying the damn thing back on eBay.

* don't have any chickens. Yet. I have foxes though.


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