Thursday, June 21, 2007

Another balanced contribution to the religious debate

I see from the press that some of the more bearded members of the lands beyond these shores, known as ‘foreign’, are exercised about Salman ‘unforgetabubble’ Rushdie getting a knighthood - presumably for services to the countryside hideaway and disguise industry. This has led to spluttering bearded outrage and lots of threats to avenge this week’s insult to Islam which must, I think, be the most sensitive religion on the planet.

Islamists blowing up innocent people, while at the same time sulking every time somebody does or days something they consider to be even slightly critical of their cult, indicate the mentality of a teenager. This is why, I suppose, so many militant Islamic types are teens themselves. It’s like the emo movement but with others-harm instead of self-harm.

So, how to deal with these book-burning, bombing, bearded militants?

My approach is fairly straightforward. I carry about my person at all times a bottle of lighter fluid and a box of ‘England’s Glory’ matches. On encountering a spouting cleric, I douse, light and, after the initial shrieks have subsided and the body fat catches, lean over and ask ‘where is your god now, you beastly little mohammedan?’


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree. Any religion that tells it's followers to strap a bomb on themselves thereby blowing up hundreds of innocent people in order to receive ultimate salvation and a pretty cool spot in heaven, is a little nuts to say the least.

I have a sick little idea as to how to solve that situation----let's just turn the whole middle east into glass if you know what i mean....better their innocent people than our own. Go ahead, call me a war-monger, call me a bigot or an insensitive bitch, but I guarantee they don't have the capability to retaliate in any manner that could really affect us and gosh, how can you when you're melted to the side of a building.

Alright, so my plan is a bit rash and no liberal, politically correct, elected official will ever have the balls to push that little red button, but hey, it's just an idea. I'll never be President, but a girl can dream.

2:06 PM  

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