Sunday, October 01, 2006

Rage and torrents

I now have conclusive evidence that the drivers of 4x4s or people carriers fall into two categories, arrogant or stupid.

1 October is downpour day here in the green-again county of Surrey (motto: it's green 'cos it rains a lot dumb-ass!). the thunder has rumbled all day and the clouds have boiled across the sky, big and black with hints of grey and bruise. Now and again they shake like a dog and decant.

This has resulted in the roads of the area having their own little brooks as gutters overflow, as well as pools and, I bet, the occasional ox-bow lake. It also means that people start to drive like loonies.

Or park like loonies. Obviously, those shopping in M&S in banstead must be thrilled that a designated 4x4 parking area has opened up for them. It's painted bright red and has the word 'bus stop' written on it, but this does not stop them from filling it with eight 4x4s. It did stop the bus, obviously, and meant that anyone that was infirm or had a buggy or, you know, just wanted to keep dry had to walk into the road but sod it, all that matters is that the fat, sweating, ugly and fucking fucked up fuckers in their 4x4s get their raspberry pavlovas that much quicker. I hope they fucking choke on them.

As for people movers - these are, apparently, handed out to those who cannot think. genuinely, who have a problem with reasoning. Case in point, when faced with a narrow road and a car parked in the lane the people carrier is using, with my coming in the opposite direction, does the people mover slow to a halt behind the obstruction and wait for me to pass (as more than hinted at in the Highway Code) or do they just swing out into the path of the oncoming traffic, that is, me.

Swerving, listening to R3 and humming along though I was, I still had time to see the expression of utter gormlessness on the face of the driver. this is the face of somebody called Gomer who has a metal plate in his head and has been hit by lightening so often that his nick-name is 'Rod'.

This is a truth stumbled on late in life that is disappointing - the truth is that there are people who are just too stupid to be trusted with a car. genuinely, they do not have the mental ability to pilot the damn thing at 30 miles an hour, Christ knows what happens to them when they get onto the Motorway - actually I know, they sit in the middle lane drooling and thinking that a caravan would make their happiness complete.


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