Sunday, January 14, 2007

Let's Rawk!

The charts ceased to have relevance for me many moons ago...when 've kidz' and I parted company. Sometime in my life I took my eye off of the top ten and suddenly I didn't know any of the records on the top ten.

Listening to them, I did'nt really want to. I think the real watershed moment was when i heard a song by somebody called Nelly - oh my Jesus Christ. I must have been written by somebody with 'special needs' and sounded like it was sung by some twelve year old in their front bedroom. Shit was hardly the word. A new word needed to be invented, to cram many more syllables into the word shit, just like whoever it was that put the song together managed to pack soooooo much shit in one show - it's as if they did it on the surface of Jupiter, where they can compress shit at super-dense gravity.

However - toot-toot-toot revolution has happened. The charts now count downloads. This means that lazy-arsed sods like me buying my music online are now enfranchised again. Listening to the charts now and writing this I've just heard the theme from Casino Royal and will be purchasing it in a moment.

The charts are the people's again. They no longer belong to some twisted coke snorting exec working for Sony BMG or some manufacturer of pop bands.

The James Bond allagory is apt, it's like the Mr Big who had plans for world domination has been thwarted by a lot of super cool people with gadgets - in this case me and a kick-ass powerbook. To complete this process, we need to drop Simon Cowell into a tank of phiranas. Special phiranas. that have been trained to swim in shit. Shit from lepers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't really gone public with my recent craze (until now), but ever since I decided to reward my going to the gym with a download, I've been very motivated to workout! This is great except that in listening to my iPod while I workout, I realized that I need more upbeat music which, unfortunately, translates into the fact that now when I redeem my reward of a free download, I'm downloading total crap (well, mostly) as long as it's upbeat and fast-paced.....the faster the song, the faster I run, the harder I workout, etc. I will say that a couple of Ramones songs have been effective, but that's as close as I've come to cool.

1:59 PM  

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