Wednesday, June 27, 2007

In praise of...Cat Deeley

It was only what a couple of surveyors from the Ordinance Survey turned up and started debating whether my pile of clothes awaiting ironing was properly a hill or a mountain, that I realised I had been neglecting sartorial chores. (The correct term is, of course, a ‘mound’ of ironing, not just because in shape the piled-up clothes resemble a barrow or grave-site of a warrior-king, but because, like ancient burial-sites, such mounds often contain treasure, such as that excellent party shirt you’ve been looking for for weeks.)

There was no snow on the peak, a sure sign that things had got beyond the point of recovery and where the only sane option is to start flogging lift passes and hope that ‘crumpled’ becomes the look for the season, but action was required.

I wrestled the ironing board into position, set the iron to ‘steam like the Flying Scotsman on the Edinburgh - London run!’ and turned on the telly.

Watching a recorded programme about the history of the Victoria Cross passed the first hour very agreeably (tee shirts, boxers and assorted casual wear). This came to an end just as I finished shirts, so I flicked channels, alighting on foul-mouthed cook Gordon ‘fucking’ Ramsey presenting a programme about how to cook things - the self-confidence of anyone in his kitchen being roasted for instance.

He appeared to reserve most of the spice in the kitchen for his language, with more effs than a kid with a stammer doing a reading of a Famous Five book. The odd thing was that, talented armature as he was, he occasionally missed the opportunity to slip in an eff where a professional might of done so. Ideally, when swearing, I like to slip in an eff between every syllable of every word, a practice that makes the ordering of ‘haricourt beans’ in a restaurant something of a chore.

The format was GR in the kitchen, GR dropping in on people who think that a dinner part is five pot noodles and a kettle in the middle of the table and saving them from ready meals and so on. They also have a restaurant with celeb guests - tonight’s was Cat Deeley.

I remember Cat when she used to present SMTV with Ant and Dec and, after initially thinking ‘what the hell?’ and ‘ah, something for the dads’, realised that anyone who could present live telly for two hours on a Saturday morning with every sign of obvious enjoyment was pure tee vee gold.

What it boiled down to is here’s somebody who appears to be very beautiful, Brummie and proud, poised and elegant and STILL manages not to be up herself. For instance, on the show last night, she did a champagne challenge where, for instance, she picked the best champagne in a blind tasting, then picked the vintage champagne and then picked the champagne that was a supermarket brand that was considered superior to a ‘name’ brand. Pure. Class.

The corker was though when she removed the top from a champagne bottle using a sabre! What a girl! She was then invested into the order of people who can decapitate magnums!

Okay, not the hardest job in the world, but I can’t think of any other celebs who would be quite so unpretentious - or could swing a sword like that. Every fantasy geek watching must have been hitting the ‘video capture’ button on their remotes.

I, of course, was too busy ironing.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most shocking part of this whole post is the fact that you iron. You strike me as the type who has someone else do it for you....namely, your wife.

Way to be domesticated! Good job. I bet you don't even leave the toilet seat up.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Macnabbs said...

Women have many talents. Ironing shirts is not one of them.

This may explain the presence in the village of 'the little ironing shop', where people, obviously with far more money and far less self-respect than I, take their clothes to be ironed and, I strongly suspect, criticised by the ladies that run the place.

I'd rather do it myself and spend the money on beer.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree. My mom is GREAT at ironing. In fact, she loves it and finds it cathartic. I, unfortunately, don't tend to do laundry very well in any respect. I shrink things, turn things different colors and generally make them smell bad due to the fact that I stuff too many clothes in the washer at once. Usually I iron wrinkles into shirts rather than ironing them out. I've decided to adopt the "wrinkled look" and have convinced myself that people might think that I left my house ironed, but simply got a little messy on the way to work...hmmm...

2:53 PM  
Blogger Macnabbs said...

Mom is obviously the exception that proves the rule...or does she just have a super-whizzy iron that's responsible for this carbon footprint thing I hear is the chief export from the US after sitcoms and boy-bands?

On the subject of mixing your washes, another example of how f**ked society is, an ad last night for something you put in your washing machine that 'catches' colour. So, if you are clynically stupid that you wash whites and colours together, fear more pink everything as a result of putting the red sock in with your nethergarments!

I think it's a ploy to find out how stupid people are. A watch is kept on who buys this crap and then they are culled.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clinically stupid? Thanks a lot. I'm clinically lazy. There is a huge difference.

3:28 PM  
Blogger Macnabbs said...

Ah, but would you use a 'colour catcher'?

Also seen from ad land, an ad for a tumble dryer (no problem there, have one myself and, given the current weather conditions in the UK, a jolly good idea they are too) which made much of its ability to 'freshen' clothes?

That's right. you put clean dry clothes in there to 'freshen' them.

I assume that this is aimed at women, as men consider clothes 'fresh' when they are anything up to three layers down in the hamper or, if you're really pushed for time and need a freshness test, do not stick to the ceiling when thrown up there.

If push comes to shove, you can always splash on scent, booze or roll in something like a dog and blame it on your new medication.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no, actually, I take pride in the fact that all of my white shirts turn pink. I once turned a shirt lime green which I have no idea how that happened-----never once have I thought of buying a color catcher since I sort of think of laundry as one big experiment, for example, "I wonder if this red shirt and these blue shorts will make purple".

I have a headache...people at work keep coming by my desk to look at my hair. It either looks really bad or really good. I doubt it looks really good.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way, I'm really disappointed that you don't make your wife do your laundry. I thought you were much more of a male chauvinist pig than that. Guess you're not turning into a Republican after all.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Macnabbs said...

I am sure it looks great. Mystery number 1,347 about women is how they can go to their hairdresser, pay a fortune, smile and act nice, come home and then burst into tears. Then do it all again a few weeks later. No, just me then? Or maybe it's a case of 'less than 15 minutes sobbing = great haircut'.

Basic tick-list - if less then seven people have asked you 'did you do it yourself' then it looks good.

When folically endowed people go short haired, it attracts attention. From men because we are thinking 'I wonder if she has pretty ears' and from women because they are thinking 'that bitch even looks good with short hair'.

Right, time to leave early and hit a cocktail bar. I declare this woo-hoo Wednesday. 20 past 11 in Atlanta? Enjoy yout lunch.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous.

I thought you quit drinking during the week....glad to hear you haven't.

4:23 PM  

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