Monday, December 31, 2007

12 days of Christmas – festival of ennui

We’ve entered that fallow period between Christmas and New Year which marks the dipping point equidistant between the two celebrations. A sort of collective hangover and state of lethargy sits over the nation, possibly a sort of mini-diabetic fit as our bodies re-adjust to not having to cope with eating chocolate every hour on the hour and alcohol consumption levels revert to normal, near normal or weeeeeee-heeeee depending on how much booze is left in what bottles.

In family households this period is marked by the batteries in the first toy running out. In other households it’s marked by the realisation that, despite the fridge containing more food than the Hall of Valhalla on Christmas Eve, you apparently have to go shopping again if you want to have a proper meal (although eating a buffet of leftovers garnished with the least popular dips, for the third day running, has not yet lost its appeal!).

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