Wednesday, March 19, 2008

China syndrome

If I were the Chinese government, I’d be crapping myself about now. Anyone who has been to the cinema in recent years knows that the most deadly force known to man is the Annoyed Monk. Annoyed Monks’ can, at least in the movies, stop time, punch through walls and generally kick ass. Even those who have simply studied at the monasteries of Annoyed Monks pick up kick-ass moves and can do Kung Fu.

In fact, the Chinese government probably don’t much care about Annoyed Monks, or anyone, or anything. They know that no matter what they do, we in the west will keep buying the stuff that they make and turn a blind eye to human and environmental abuses. Hell, we’ll schlurp our cola (sponsors of the Olympics) and use our credit cards (sponsors of the Olympics) and so on, putting money into China. And they need it – tear gas doesn’t buy itself you know.

There’s still something distasteful about watching a soldier beat the hell out of a Monk and it shows the difference between East and West. If some oriental git tried any of that shit on with the monks at the Jesuit School down the road, then forget Kung Fu, they’d have their riot batons shoved up their own arses and their ears soundly boxed before they knew what hit them – and that’s before the elite paedophile priest brigade went to work on them!

Basically, China can do what it wants, as long as it’s thousands of miles away. The West are too busy getting super-rich by having everything made out there for peanuts and then shipped here to be sold for…well, not much more. Everyone here loves their cheap DVD players and clothes too much to worry about Tibet.

Mind you, things might change if it was pandas, not people, in danger. But Tibet’s only endangered species is the Yeti and nobody believes they actually exist, so it’s sort of hard to whip up support for their preservation. Maybe if one was seen on YouTube ripping the arse out of a Chinese soldier that would drum up some interest.

The only thing the Chinese have lost is face – and not even that really. Ever since they ran a tank over a shopper in Tienaman Square, most people have known that they are a bunch of gits.

That’s one of the reasons I won’t be watching the Olympics. That and the fact that it’s dull as shite. I mean, really – running. Is that a sport? Seeing how quickly somebody can run? What’s entertaining about that? And they run in a bloody circle! What’s the point of that? Running for a bus, yea, I can see the logic in that and the sense of triumph is catching it before it roars off with the driver flicking the Vees at you, but just running? Or jumping? Can’t you see that in any playground?

Oh, and the spectacle of the opening ceremony, where smug, well-fed criminal arseholes look smug. That I can do without. I might just read a book instead – printing appears to be the one thing not outsourced to China. Yet.


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