Monday, April 21, 2008

Postcard from Sorrento - food

I think I’ve finally cracked why we think that continentals eat more than us and, in a tremendous bout of unfairness that is possibly lined to the EU, are not as chubby as Brits.

It’s because their food is so good. The food I had in Sorrento was fantastic. Fresh, vibrant – even the pasta was tremendous and, you know…it’s pasta! The worst thing is that it’s something we do to ourselves – we eat substandard food – lots of it. It’s bland and its processed and there are two reasons why we eat so damned much of it – it’s because the salt and the sugar and the fat and the ground up elves or whatever they put in it is mildly addictive but mostly, mostly it’s because we eat it and we’re not satisfied. So we decide to have ANOTHER family pack of cheesy Doritos and then, maybe we’ll feel sated. No, all we have is an orange ring round our mouths, a pound of corn chips inadequately digesting in our stretched stomachs and a justified fear of the next visit to the loo.

The other theory is that continentals dare not let themselves get too fat or they would not be able to drive their scooter at such speeds.

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