Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What the...?

If it wasn’t so offensive, the party political broadcast by the British National Party the other night would have been hilarious. The opening shot is of the leader of the party sat at a desk with a book case behind him – was this shot on location at the ‘home office’ area at IKEA? Nasty Nick looked his normal manic self and, whatever you think of his unfashionable politics you had to admire his sporting of an unfashionable suit – it takes a certain something to appear before the nation, asking for your vote, wearing a polyester blend.

Of particular interest was the picture of Churchill behind the buffoon frothing about immigration. Was I alone in thinking that Churchill was going to actually come out of the picture, like the girl in ‘the Ring’, and throttle the tinpot bastard addressing the camera while muttering ‘narzzzzzzzzzi’?

As for the hilarity – well, whoever provided the BNP with the clips for their ‘WWII’ montage obviously had a sense of humour. The message of the broadcast was ‘we fought against Europe and now Britain is being taken over by people who are not British’. The soldiers hitting the beach in the newsreel footage were Americans. The spitfire pictured was probably flown by a Pole.

But by far my favourite bit was the interviews with people on the streets. This is the British national party, right? So why were all the interviews with people from Essex?

I suggest it’s because outside of England, nobody in their right mind would even think about voting for fascists. The Welsh are too busy being anti-English and the Scots and Irish are far too busy with sectarian violence to even bother about nationalities.

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