Friday, May 07, 2010


Sat on the train this morning next to a woman who was, as occasionally happens, putting on her make-up.

You never see a bloke doing this, do you? Possibly this is because blokes, as a rule, don’t wear make-up. On the occasions that they do, you don’t want to be sitting next to them. Could you, for instance, stay sitting next to somebody who started applying green, black and brown stripes to their face? Possibly, but only if they were not also muttering under their breath.

I suppose a chap may be putting on his make up for work – although this only applies if you are a) a clown or b) in a KISS tribute band.

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Blogger Ann said...

It realy isn't fair that men don't seem to need makeup. If i go to the grocery without makeup I get approached by people trying to scout for pyramid schemes. I guess I look desperate or something without makeup.

9:00 PM  

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