Thursday, May 19, 2011

Social network mobility

A few years ago the BBC did a series of programmes about foster parents. One foster mum featured explained that the longest period she had fostered a child for was something like twelve years, while the shortest was one night, when she had fostered a toddler overnight while his mum went into hospital.

Christ, can you imagine, being so alone that nobody can look after your kid for you for one night.

I think that's what annoys me so about social networking on sites that use the term 'friend' so loosely. Not that I have a problem with social networking generally, I like the idea of common interests and sharing achievements and having others comment on your thoughts and all that, I like the idea of sharing tips and passing on reviews. What I don't like is that by clicking on a name you can designate somebody as your friend.

Let's be clear, the only time you are likely to have more than a dozen friends is when you're at school, and that's only because you share a common interest in Top Trumps and chocolate with so many of your peers.

But I guess it would be too complicated to rename all those 'friend' buttons, and 'that girl you wanted to shag when you were both teenagers' is too long a URL.

But why no 'enemy' button. Social networking sites seem to draw the line at 'ignore'. Again, totally useless in real life. They should at least have a 'bloody huge irritant' button. Obviously, this and a 'friend' button cannot be mutually exclusive, as somebody can easily occupy both categories through the simple purchase of an iPhone and the desire to tell you all about it.

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