Friday, December 16, 2005

The Season opens

Halls decked? Check! Medicine cabined filled with paracetamol? Check! Engage Christmas party season and go, go, go!

Office drinkies today at lunchtime and, in deference to season of goodwill to all, jettisoned usual practice of only having a light, supping ale at lunchtime and decided instead to go for specially brewed darker, stringer, winter ale.

This proved an excellent idea as, finishing my pint in the time it took others to take an inch out of the top of theirs, I had enough alcohol inside me to cushion any embarrassment.

Season is now officially open. Task is not to go without a drink between now and Christmas Day. Will spend weekend carefully stocking cellar with selection of light, breakfast wines. Christmas also excellent time of year as can drink port without having to disguise self as retired Colonel from the Light Dragoons.


Blogger magbp said...

haha, Luckily, for me, William got "fired" today so I will not even have to deal with the anorexic, superficial wives club. Woohoo! I'll drink to that! (it was more of a mutual f@#k you although Scrooge himself wouldn't have done such a thing considering his employer was a friend since high school)

9:51 PM  

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