Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thickear - evil giant of DIY

Every time, and I mean every -sodding - time, I go to Thickear, I swear - 'never again'.

I thought that I'd be able to handle it this time, going mid-week during the school run would mean that there would be the minimum amount of people there, allowing me to sprint through the store, grab my book cases (well, huff enormous dead weight of flat-pack off of a shelf and lunge towards check out) and make a swift exit.

Naturally, ended up with one or two other quality items. Want to know what's fuelling the planets headlong rush towards environmental melt-down (well, obese SUV driving Americans, obviously, but also...) people who come to furniture superstores and are able to buy a rug for 99p and a table lamp for three quid and don't think this is unusual! This is why every documentary of China you see begins and ends with a smoke stack and a poisoned pool.

China was the obvious choice to make the planet's polluter of choice. their people have a history of expectorating inside, outside and anywhere at all, so nobody thinks it's odd that everybody is spitting, even though they have a lot more wracking coughs than they used to since they built that plastics factory in the village.

True cost of lamp is probably thirteen quid, actual cost is three quid, tenner is subsidised by Ross Ice Shelf breaking off in 2013.

Rest assured that any guilt I may have had about buying the stuff soon evaporated in a fit of bad temper at getting the stuff home (a major achievement given the small nature of my car) and currently having flat pack stretched out, lurking in the hall.

All I need now is some tools, a lot of patience and, of course, my blood sacrifice to Alan, the god of DIY. This last will be made with ease as I have never managed to complete a DIY project without shedding claret at some stage, the last time was, amazingly, getting the sodding stuff out of the box! Self assembly with a sticking plaster is not to be recommended.

That's the last time though, even though their book cases are a bargain I am not going to Thickear again. Anyway, I've finally run out of wall.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm assuming that DIY is like Home Depot here which, in any case, means that you are a "typical" man which I suppose is OK although I imagine you break more things in attempting to fix or "build" others. I guess that's fine, too, as you could be out at strip clubs or bars getting smashed as opposed to at home "being productive". By the way, don't you have a job?

1:59 PM  

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