Sunday, October 01, 2006

Blogging - the dark side

Jesus fucking Christ - it's like watching your uncle trying to dance at a wedding. David 'tosser' Cameron has got himself a video blog. Not the sort of video blog you would expect from an Eton old boy now a tory MP, that is, nasty clips of him shoving various items manufactured by Hornby up his arse (00 scale signal box anyone?) but an informal (shirt sleeves rolled up) video blog of him explaining tory policies.

I managed to watch about 50 seconds of it, and have been frantically trying to disinfect my hard drive ever since. I am resigned to never getting rid of the memory of actually seeing the video blog excerpt (although I will up my consumption of tinned food in the hope that there's such a thing as selective Alzimers), it's a scar I'll carry with me.

Basically, what you get is Dave at the sink in his humble 18 gazillion pound London home, being pestered by his children while he tries to make his pitch.

1. Why not put the kids to bed, then go to your study and make the pitch? Why do you insist on working in what should be a family environment?

2. Why does he not scream 'shut the fuck up, daddy's working' on the fifth inturuption, or simply batter the noisesome brat with a blow of quite tremendous force?

3. Who the fuck does he think he's fooling? Video blogging was cool about six months ago and yes, youtube is conquering the planet but to make in impact the blogs have to have a certain quality, be quaint, or interesting, or topical. Not a fat fuck talking twaddle.

Finally - the opening remark - 'look out BBC and ITV, we're out to get you.' This is, I would suggest, something along the lines of 'we are fed up with our message being strained through your editorial sieve'. The trouble is, this is exactly the sort of message, delivered in exactly the sort of way, that is usually followed up with 'let me tell you the truth about black people' or 'children are sexual beings at age six and I don't think there's anything wrong with my taking the pictures I did of them' (pull back to reveal blogger speaking from cell shortly before he has the shit beaten out of him by fellow inmates for being a nonce. Now I'm not saying that David Cameron comes across like a bit of a racist pedo on his blog - I'm saying that he comes across EXACTLY like a racist pedo on his blog.

The whole thing is hysterical - artificial, dull and annoying. But it's made up my mind, this is him free of media spin - and you can see that he actually is a prick.


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