Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Spin Rage?


There is only one way to exercise – in privacy. For those who go to gyms, they should at least have the good manners to exercise in silence, a silence that is the centre of a howling tunnel of pain and exhaustion. If you’re grunting, groaning or singing along with ‘the bridie’ song or whatever piece of motivational music you have on your ipod, then you are not exercising hard enough.

God knows it’s hard enough to exercise, without the added irritant of people sweating on you or polluting the air with their grunts, groans and cries for help and pity as they clutch their chests and fall off the treadmill. The last thing we need is somebody being enthusiastic. I bet he wore offensively short shorts too.

Frankly, I can’t imagine anyone exercising in anything less than a foul mood – if somebody is whittering and to be working out with free weights, then surely it’s a natural response to beat the offender to a pulp with a lump of iron.

The only acceptable noise to make at the gym is an involuntary trouser trombone.


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