Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Say what you like about drugs...

Change in sleep patterns (no longer staying up late freeing a galaxy far, far away from imperial stormtroopers) and mine pie withdrawal has combined to leave me lethargic as a lizard left on a hot rock while at my desk.

I actually think that rather than sleep, it's all down to eating patterns. Over the festive season, I was eating every half hour, whether I liked it or not because, hey, you have to have something to soak up all that booze. Also, aren't nuts fruit? Even when salted? And isn't the coca bean a vegetable? So surely the product of the bean, combined with refined sugar must be great for me! Obviously can not stretch definition of vegetables to include sausages, but believe me it wasn't for want of trying.

Trying to get energy boost by eating fruit. Tip: don't bother. Anyone who tells you that a banana is nature's battery pack is either mad, or a vegetarian, or both. It's a comedy prop and it tastes great when blitzed with rum but that's the extent of its usefulness. If you want to wake yourself up with a banana my advice is to stick it up your bottom.

In attempt to stay awake then have turned to our old friend caffeine.

Drama! Forgot hand-knitted fair-trade tea bags and so had to buy M&S tea bags. Box tells me that they are 'ethically sourced'. What the hell does that mean? Maybe they are only ripping off farmers who pollute their crops with lethal doses of pesticides? I don't want a moral dilemma, I just want a cuppa.

And frankly they are terrible. I've checked the box 127 times for the word 'decaffeinated' as I'm sure that's what they are.

I am now utterly convinced that the farmers in Bolivia or wherever they make tea are so pleased to actually get a decent price for their product that they give over the good stuff to the fair trade bods, as opposed to the stuff they used as bedding to keep the donkey warm that time it had food poisoning, which goes to the corporate thugs.


Blogger magbp said...

Funny, as I read this morning, it's difficult to even stay awake as I'm going through withdrawals myself. I feel sick and tired, and it's probably related to the low levels of caffiene I'm experiencing due to the fact that while I'm drinking coffee, I'm not getting it from chocolate anymore. And yes, nuts are very good for you~ that's what got me through the season~knowing that underneath the sugar and the chocolate there was a morsel of a pecan underneath, somehow providing me with all the nutrients I needed.

3:32 PM  
Blogger magbp said...

Just wanted to say thanks! It's difficult to focus on the computer without wanting to throwup...I had a great time last night (mainly because my team won), but those are usually followed by not so great mornings.

3:52 PM  

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