Wednesday, December 21, 2005

'Tis the season...

First informal drinkies of the season last night. I can report that I have absolute f**ker behind the eyes. Two extra strength paracetamol ('sending in 2 para'), a bag of cheesy puffs and lots of water appears to have shifted it but I fear that at this time of the year a hangover, like solar radiation, is always there in the background.

Need a proper hangover scale. There are examples on the interweb but, unlike the great scales - Beaufort or Richeter, they only seem to go up to six:

Armatures. Anyone who's experienced the many varieties and moods of hangover will know that one needs at last 12 levels.

1 Eerily chipper. Slightly jaded. Secretly pleased at self's ability to recover.
2 Know you've been drinking. Small of alcohol makes self nauseous.
3 Nothing a greasy bacon sarnie won't sort out.
4 Paracetamol required.
5 Paracetamol required NOW! Am willing to ask colleagues if they have any on them.
6 Will attend to headache as soon as nausea subsides.
7 Vomiting.
8 Really vomiting.
9 A fucker behind the eyes and in trouble because can't keep paracetamol down.
10 End up sleeping within reach of toilet. Wonder at how cool porcelain feels against fevered brow
11 Deal now made with God that if he lets you live you will never ever drink again. Do not fancy drink for two days following.
12 Can't eat, can't drink, can't move.


Blogger magbp said...

I've discovered that if you force yourself to throwup mid-night then it makes things a whole lot easier in the morning because it speeds up the hangover process while you're still intoxicated.

2:09 PM  
Blogger magbp said...

Where the heck are you? I'm bored and apparently I'm the only one on the planet who has to work this week.

2:53 PM  

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