Friday, June 30, 2006

They're up!

Yea, blood has been let and the great and terrible god of DIY has been appeased until the next time. After some blood, quite a lot of sweat and a few tears, the bookcases are up. Now begins the task of getting all of the crap that's been on my floor and stacking it on the shelves.

More daunting is the idea that I should re-arrange my books. I had them arranged just so, so that a casual visitor would see the most impressive titles first and would have to scrutinise the collection to get to the well thumbed pulp sci-fi and aga sagas. Frankly, I just don't know if I'm up to it. Wonder if any of the girls from the local convent school want to make some money on the side re-stacking my collection of vintage porn?

That's it for the book cases though, I'm out of wall and out of patience. Also, room now smells quite a lot like chipboard. Will take days and maybe weeks before it recovers its usual smell of tea, cigar smoke and desperation.


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