Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fast and loose

With the advent of Ramadan, a notice was put on the work intranet today about ‘joining the sponsored fast’.

I’ve always thought that fasting was, at best, morally repugnant. I can’t see how anyone can think that it’s appropriate to go without food in order to prove their spirituality while there are people starving to death from want. If fasting brings you closer to God, then the Pope should come from Darfur, surely the holiest country in the world?

And sponsoring it? Are you kidding me? Giving people money to stop eating? Actually it’s not a bad idea, they should launch the policy outside the Krispy Kreme stand at the station. Probably be a waste of time though, the sort of fatties that eat there think that ‘fast’ is how they move when threatened with salad.

I don’t think there’s a God, but whenever I’m faced with the prospect of people doing things in his name, I always think it would probably make him cringe with embarrassment. Cathedrals? Lovely. Choirs? Great? But starving yourself? Fasting is just another form of flagellation The only difference is that at the end of it you rush for the fridge not the TCP and bandages and that nobody ever masturbated themselves to the point of delirium while watching videos of people not eating.

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Blogger magbp said...

Don't they have separation of church and state over there? Over here it is illegal to put up a Christmas tree in a public place, much less have a company sponsored fast-promotion. Weird.

3:28 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

where are you?

5:57 AM  

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